Reverse Engineering of Non Mecal Parts

Pairing with Starn Tool's Precision Machining
Mecal by Starn (MBS) is the pairing of Starn Tool and Manufacturing and Mecal S.r.l. Starn Tool and Manufacturing is the oldest tool shop in Meadville, Pa, with 75 years of experience in precision machining.
This experience enables us to accurately measure and recreate machined parts from a live sample. We require the physical part be sent to MBS to the attention of Sam Meyers and/or Gavin Wasko
Once we receive the part we will assign it an MBS part number with reference to the part number on the original part in the description. A quote will be provided that references both these numbers. We will give one and three-piece pricing unless other quantities are requested.
New parts are ideal to send us; however, we can work with used or even broken parts. For non-crimp tool parts, a description of what it is and any details of critical dimension will help the manufacturing process and can greatly affect the cost of the parts.
The initial order will have the 1 week added to lead time. This allows us to create the print for production. Future lead times on repeat orders will decrease by one week.
On standard crimp tooling the lead times are 2 weeks after the initial order. We offer as a courtesy to our customers emergency lead times of 2-3 days if you have a line down, at no extra cost.